Stefanie Cohen, MA, RSME/T, SEP
Somatic Experiencing Practitioner
Registered Somatic Movement Therapist/Educator
& Interdisciplary Artist

As a Registered Professional Member of the International Somatic Movement Education and Therapy Association, I meet the high Standards of Practice and uphold the Code of Ethics. For more information visit www.ISMETA.org

Private sessions and group explorations
aligning with your body's wisdom
to create meaning and healing
Current Offerings:
​INDIVIDUAL Somatics Sessions
in Ann Arbor and Detroit (or on Zoom)
I help fellow artists, healers, clergy, culture makers, activists, educators, and other providers of care to
access resources through their bodies to lead their lives with support, clarity, authenticity, and meaning.
One-on-one sessions offer individualized support to access your body’s wisdom, creativity, agency, resilience, and your birthright of an innate capacity for healing.
"Stefanie holds a safe place for me to explore my inner world. As a visual artist, the permission to physically and audibly navigate my imagination is thrilling, unbounded and cathartic. Through Stefanie’s calm guided prompts and questions I have been able to heal very old wounds as well as observe large and looming current questions. "
-- T. Artist, Detroit
On-Going Somatic GROUPS in
The Discipline of Authentic Movement
in Ann Arbor & Detroit:
Authentic Movement Somatic Practice Groups
for Healers, Artists, Clergy, Parents, Educators and other providers of care
On-going, facilitated weekly groups in this centering, contemplative practice of witnessing and being moved
Monday evenings 6:30-8:30pm (Ann Arbor)
(This group is currently comprised of women, non-binary and femme movers). Spaces available
Tuesday mornings 10am-noon (Detroit). Spaces available
Friday mornings 9:30-11:30am (Ann Arbor) FULL through June 2025
$155/130/100 - tiered economic justice rates
monthly membership contribution
(six-month minimum commitment*)
*Those with an introduction or prior experience are warmly welcomed to try the group for a month before choosing to sign on. To inquire: stefaniemovingstories@gmail.com
An interplay of embodiment, contemplation, creativity, and mystery, the practice connects us to our bodies, our creative and physical impulses, and to our exquisite sensitivity and empowerment.
All bodies welcome! -- Both the Ann Arbor and Detroit spaces are fully accessible .
For more information and to register:
"I am so grateful to have discovered this practice. Stefanie has created a rare space to safely dive into the body's own messages and inner guidance, to allow movement itself to reveal, release, create and be. If your body is craving to move in complete creative freedom, unencumbered by right or wrong, or judgement; if you are curious what your body itself might reveal to you, I highly recommend this practice and Stefanie's work– she is a brilliant facilitator!"
- Kath Weider, Singer/Facilitator/Spiritual Practitioner